Spanish Language

NEW 2023: Our popular little "get acquainted with Spanish" class is back!
Spanish w/ Gigi Jensen Course: Span-Intro
Thursdays, January 5, 12, 19, 26
7:30 - 8:30+ pm Pacific time*
$20 payment through our online shop
This class is perfect for people who know a little Spanish, forgot their Spanish, or always wanted to learn Spanish. Gigi Jensen will guide you through the basic skills needed for everyday life. How much can you learn in 4 hours in this intro class? More than you'd expect. While there is no formal homework, remember that the effort you put into this gets you to achieve your goal faster. Class format includes pairs and small group work, whole class instruction, games, videos, and activities. Gigi likes to have fun so expect a friendly, welcoming opportunity to do so, as well.
*Class instruction will be 7:30-8:30 pm. After class, we'll watch videos that will support Spanish language. Music, poetry, comedy, cooking tutorials... whatever will give you additional inspiration to learn Spanish faster.
If you have questions, send email us at dance@tangoandmoredance.com.
Spanish for Travelers

Spanish for Travelers
You learn and practice the things that are useful for any trip through fun activities in a friendly, welcoming environment. Multigenerational students. Gigi Jensen, the instructor, likes to have fun and you can expect to have fun, too.
Spring 2023
Course: Sp-Trav
​Private Language Instruction
We offer individualized Spanish language instruction with Gigi Jensen. These one-on-one sessions allow her to tailor instruction to meet your personal goals. Did you study Spanish back in high school or college and want to improve it (or remember it). Perhaps you are one of those "learn as you needed" students who've traveled and can sort of get along okay but you now want to learn the language. For now, classes are held via Zoom. For more info, contact Gigi at dance@tangoandmoredance.com
Workplace Workshops
Gigi will come to your office to give your staff a workshop, tailoring it to meet your needs. Anyone who works in settings where Spanish is useful for making your clients feel more comfortable and communication more complete, will benefit from this. Pricing is determined by arrangement.

About Gigi Jensen
A former credentialed teacher w/ over 25 years teaching Spanish & Art to adults & kids, and more than 18 years teaching dance, Gigi understands your time is limited. She’ll get you speaking fast ¡ya! She has traveled extensively to Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, and Argentina.